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The Pete Guest Award - Awards - Bat Conservation TrustThis award is given in memory of Pete Guest who was an inspirational figure in the bat conservation movement for more than 20 years. Each year, the bat ...
Awards - Wedding Cars Cheshire - Award Winning Wedding Cars by Horgans This award shows how we have obtained our enviable reputation within the wedding industry as this award is only voted for by you the customer (Brides Grooms Etc.)
AMI AWARDS | AMI | Association of Microbiologists of IndiaThe AMI may support travel grants to young life members of AMI (below the age of 35), for participating annual conference of AMI, whose papers have been accepted for presentation at the AMI conference. Detailed guideline
Star of the Month Award - ADMEC Multimedia InstituteStar of the Month award is one of the prestigious awards from ADMEC to acknowledge student’s hard work outstanding performance throughout the month.
Stars of the Year Award - ADMEC Multimedia InstituteStars of the Year Award is an honour to the top 3 students who are the best performers of the year and have the potential to serve as role models.
Diana Manning: Bressler, Amery Ross, P.C.Civil Trial Attorney Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey (March 2011 - present)
Cynthia Borrelli: Bressler, Amery Ross, P.C.Cynthia's practice focuses on regulation and compliance for insurers, brokers and trade associations in the property/casualty and life and health areas. She also has appeared in court on behalf of clients in many signifi
Awards - Alma Mater Society - Queen s University Student GovernmentHere you can find information on the various awards given out by the AMS every year to honour and recognize those in the community who go above and beyond. Whether that be as a landlord, an AMS student volunteer, or a te
Frederick Schoenbrodt, II: Bressler, Amery Ross, P.C.Frederick K. Schoenbrodt, II represents clients in all trust and estate matters, serves as the Practice Group Leader of Bressler s Private Client practice, is Managing Principal of the firm's Florham Park office, and Cha
The Winners of 2020 - Mobile Games AwardsThe third annual Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards presentation evening took place on the last night of PG Connects London 2020 on Tuesday, January 21, 2020.
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